
The Legend of Prince Rama

ラーマーヤナ ラーマ王子伝説


Ramayana Film Poster

"Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama" is an animated feature film that tells the epic tale of the Hindu god Rama and his quest to rescue his wife Sita from the demon king Ravana. The film follows the journey of Rama, his brother Lakshmana, and the monkey warrior Hanuman as they battle powerful demons and face difficult challenges in order to save Sita and restore peace to the world. With stunning visuals and a captivating story that has been cherished for generations, "Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama" brings this timeless tale to life in a way that will enchant audiences of all ages.

Won Best Animation Feature at Santa Clarita International Film Festival in 2020
Screened at Sitges Film Festival in 2022
Screened at Animation is Film in 2022

Ramayana - The Legend of Prince Rama
1993, 135 min, English dubbed version, 4K Digital re-master
Director: Yugo Sako, Kouichi Sasaki, Ram Mohan
Executive Producer: Atsushi Matsuo,
Producer: Yugo Sako, Assistant Producer: Kenji Yoshii
Music Director: Vanraj Bhatia, Animation Director: Kazuyuki Kobayashi
Genre: Animated film, Historical epic, Mythology, Action adventure

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  • Rama

    Rama was born to Kaushalya and Dasharatha in Ayodhya, the capitol of the kingdom of Kosala. His siblings included Lakshamana, Bharata and Shatrughna. His wife is Sita. While being exhiled, his wife Sita is kidnapped by Ravana, a demon king.

  • Sita

    Rama’s wife. She gets kidnapped by Ravana.

  • Lakshmana

    Rama’s half-brother.

  • Hanuman

    The general of the monkey army. He can change his body to any size and he can fly.

  • Bharat

    He receives Rama’s sandals. He is the son of King Dashratha and Kaikeiyi. He is a younger half-brother of Rama.

  • Ravana

    Multi-headed demon king

  • Indrajeet

    Ravana’s oldest son. A great warrior, archer, and unsurpassed grand master of illusion warfare techniques.

  • Kumbhkarna

    A giant who fights Hanuman. Ravana’s younger brother.

  • Shurpanakha

    Ravana’s sister. She is evil and she can change forms.

  • Vibhishana

    Although he is a younger brother of Ravana, he is pious and pure of heart.

  • Jatayu

    A demigod who has the form of an eagle. He is an old friend of King Dasharatha, Rama's father.


Please contact us if you are interested in screening this film in Canada.